Yura Mailler2020-12-29 18:34:59
C++ / C#
Yura Mailler, 2020-12-29 18:34:59

How to access a dynamic list by index?

Hello! Static lists can be accessed by index

int[] list;

      list[1] = 1; // как то так показал , ' 1 ' это индекс , если это так называется

But how to do the same only with dynamic?
If this is a very easy question, please treat me rudely, I recently studied dynamic lists for people and did not find what I was looking for on the Internet

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2 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2020-12-29

But how to do the same only with dynamic?

If you mean System.Collections.Generic.List then also:
var list = new List<int>();
list[1] = 1; // но тут будет ошибка, тк на данный момент список слишком мал
list.Add(1); // добавляем 0 и 1 в список - теперь в списке два элемента
list[1] = 2; // Теперь это ошибку не вызовет

Alexander Ananiev, 2020-12-29

You don't have a list, but an array. In an array, members are accessed by index. Same with dynamic arrays.

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