HoHsi2016-01-18 02:41:38
HoHsi, 2016-01-18 02:41:38

How successful is this development process?

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How successful is this development process
Prototype CoffeeSctipt -> TypeScript / GopherJS Rewrite
Is this development process used? Is static typing really that important, or is it just another mainstream?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-01-18
Protko @Fesor

it doesn't make much sense. No one will copy from coffeescript to TS. Too expensive. And besides, today a prototype - tomorrow production.
Static typing is not important. Having type information at the time the project is built is important, and the larger the project, the more important it becomes. Static analysis is perhaps the cheapest way to shorten the feedback loop about your code. Only unit tests and TDD are better.
Again, in TS, type information is a bonus on top of ES6/ES7 state1 and nothing more. You don't have to prescribe types. Yes, and for most code types can be deduced, it is enough to define everything only for interfaces (consider the public part of the module).

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