CloudMonster2014-04-16 13:07:00
CloudMonster, 2014-04-16 13:07:00

How should the database interact with client applications?

I am developing a file storage.
Everything seems to be working, but it became interesting to me how the database (Mysql) should interact with client applications?
At the moment, there is only a web client that works with the database by directly sending requests.
But in the future, I would like to scale the project, create a client for android.
Tell me, please, your options for working with the database.

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3 answer(s)
Bogdan Odarchenko, 2014-04-16

For full-fledged work, look towards the REST API

Yuri Morozov, 2014-04-16

Not exactly the right question.
The database itself should not interact with clients (with rare exceptions, I believe), in any case, this is the task of the layer.
And then the options: you can make separate layers for the API and for the web, in simple cases you can get by with one (something like if (wants json) { return json; } else { return html} )

GM2mars, 2014-04-16

We need a controller that acts as a layer from the web client to the base to make it universal and configurable. For example, a controller receives a request from outside (it doesn’t matter from whom exactly):
[{action: getArticle, target: android, count: 20, hash: 5674%4%$7^5bbss, and so on...}]
And when our the controller is able to parse and analyze the jason that came in the request, it is already clear to him what to do next. For example, I did this in my service, if the request indicates that ajax: true, then I give only data in the form of json, if it is indicated that ajax: false, then I give the generated html code. The main thing is to think over a universal controller, not forgetting about safety.
And who needs to distribute an API like, if you want to get 20 records, send such and such a request ...
Of course, there are different types of requests for different needs and with different security, I gave only the general meaning of the work.

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