ChemAli2011-10-18 11:37:55
Email Marketing
ChemAli, 2011-10-18 11:37:55

How not to get on the spammer lists?

The company has about 2,000 customers who have expressed a desire to receive email newsletters. How to do it correctly from the point of view of providers and mail services and not get on the lists of spammers? The mailing is supposed to be carried out from the company's office.
Maybe there are some special marks for letters that this is a mailing list? Maybe somehow you can be certified in a special way?
I would be grateful for any thoughts and links on the topic. First of all, they are interested in technological chips when sending, there are no problems with the content of the letter and direct unsubscribing.

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4 answer(s)
Ordenador, 2011-10-18

These are recommendations from Google:
And here is the exact same question in QA:

Gram, 2011-10-18

help.yandex.ru/neomail/?id=1046080 — recommendations from Yandex

SharkyFLY, 2011-10-18

just send out… if you are blocked, write to the support of that mailer where there is no inbox… explain the situation… they check everything and if everything is as you say, forget about the problems… then they will do everything themselves

chmv, 2011-10-18

See also here: www.list-unsubscribe.com , there is also a link to RFC 2369 .

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