Andrey Rybalko2018-04-30 14:27:22
Network administration
Andrey Rybalko, 2018-04-30 14:27:22

How much does an ArubaCloud server cost?

Decided to rent vps. Found that at Aruba it costs 1 euro.
Signed up, bought small (1 core, 1 GB RAM). I have withdrawn 1 euro from my card. After activating the server, I receive an email saying
Dear customer,
The credit for the account AWI-XXXXXX has run out on the 04/29/2018 at 22:43:21, and the services associated with this account have been deactivated.
Top-up your credit now and reactivate your services! You can top-up online using the payment option you prefer.
What does it mean? Do I still need to top up my balance? But I just want to rent a server for a month

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2 answer(s)
Diman89, 2018-05-01

You no longer need to replenish the balance, you will have a mark until what date the vps will be active

Sanes, 2018-04-30

Location only Czech Republic and Italy.

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