SwoDs2015-12-16 16:02:20
SwoDs, 2015-12-16 16:02:20

How long does mail() take?

It is necessary for your own reasons to put mail () in foreach, what do you think about it, will the mail be sent in time?
Answer: You should not do this - joxi.ru/EA490jDHDovN3r thanks to the dock)

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Litvinenko, 2015-12-16

will be in time, php language is synchronous, the mail simply transfers the smtp task to the server.

Robot, 2015-12-16

Mail() is executed quickly, but the mailboxes will most likely be empty))

Andrey, 2015-12-16

well, it all depends on the settings of the mail sender and the network. if there are a lot of letters, a background script is needed.
if the network is slow, then after some time the sender's queue will reach the limit and he will stop receiving letters, you will have to pause and load letters to him further, as soon as he will let him go ..

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