copal2016-03-02 19:46:01
copal, 2016-03-02 19:46:01

How long does it take to create an application for a human orchestra?

For a very long time I have been tormented by the question, how much time does it take to create a simple-average application using the api of social networks for a human orchestra?
For example, the company's website with a description of the service-goods and the provision of advice.
And how often can you find such orders counting on one person in reality on the exchanges?
The technologies of interest are angular, react, laravel, express, sails, but as for the design itself (drawing and inventing), I omit it, since this does not apply to programming at all.
UPD: For me, an average project is a toaster, if its server part is replaced with php or nodejs, I don’t consider anything else yet. Here, even the database should not be complicated, there is very little information, and even a beginner could design it in a day. Plus, the technologies that will be used in the creation are far from simple, these are template engines, preprocessors, code coverage with tests. And preferably all this with the creation of something of your own, that is, not one hundred, but say, eighty percent of the finished and twenty of his own created animation, effects, canvas, svg.

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4 answer(s)
pomeo, 2016-03-03

Some here in the comments are inadequate estimates of the timing. Less than 2 weeks never called. As Bobuk says "Any project can be done in two weeks" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUqiMEh2PMc
Even if you just need to install node.js, I'll say 2 days. Theoretically, there is 10 minutes, but there may be, for example, freebsd, about which you forgot to ask, and this is already installing a patched libuv. And a bunch of other possible surprises.
If you need to make an application, and I'm talking about an application, not sites. For example, for shopify, with which there is enough experience and a lot of code already exists. Month + 2 weeks. If the application is for something with which I have not worked, it has been there for 2-3 months. More like 3 than 2.
For a couple of days it’s not realistic, for a couple of days you just sit with a notebook and figure out how and what will be done. Where are the weaknesses, what libraries to take, look at the latest issues, etc.

Sanes, 2016-03-02

The toaster is far from being an average app. A mediocre app is a blogger with users/roles.

niko1aev, 2017-01-13

If you already have design experience - then in about a week, you will be able to design a la Toster.
By design, I understand to describe all database entities, with all fields, links, data formats and validations.
Description of all classes and application architecture.
Another week will take somewhere to create moqups (prototype screens)
I think there are at least 50 of them in the Toaster. 10 screen prototypes per day is SOOO fast, and this is possible if you have already done this, and you do not need to coordinate anything with anyone .
Well, another 2 months for a good fullstack to work.
And in 2 months a rough plan will be outlined, for another year of work somewhere, which still needs to be finalized)
So 2 weeks is not long enough. If you can make a project a la toaster in a month, you are God, ninja, supercoder, Chuck Noris in programming. Send me a private message, I have a project for you. I will give a designer, layout designer, competent PM and good pay to help.

SoloMidPlzD, 2017-04-19

if you are seriously familiar with the% framework% (there is 1-2 years of experience), then in principle you can do it in 2 weeks, with some kind of standard. bootstrap at the front.
And on average, a month or two.

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