Illia T2019-01-29 04:30:06
Illia T, 2019-01-29 04:30:06

How is the frontend organized in symbiosis with Django now?

I'm a beginner (I'm just learning the back), but I already understand that the capabilities of js-frameworks in some way intersect with the capabilities of Django.
How to properly organize the frontend in this situation? What are good and best practices? ...
Thoughts on Flask, Python development on the web in general are welcome...

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-01-29

First of all, you don't always need a front with a js framework. Often enough ordinary pages. But if you really need a developed front, then the back is no longer used for rendering templates and acts as a REST or GraphQL service. From Django, even a specialized and very convenient solution has grown for this - Django REST Framework .

LODIII, 2019-01-31

Choose what you like from what is in the top in popularity,
offhand Angular.js, Vue.js and saw the front on it.
There are plenty of examples of
their interaction with django on the Internet and on Habré /
Well, the depth of study depends on how you position yourself - back, full stack

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