SidorKovpak2020-06-10 14:16:24
SidorKovpak, 2020-06-10 14:16:24

How is counter strike implemented in the browser?

Good afternoon.
I was interested in the question of how the browser version of CS 1.6 was implemented - cs-online.club
There are elements that are controlled through the browser, but the picture?
Are there similar server scripts to raise your server?

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3 answer(s)
Andrew, 2020-06-10

how the browser version of CS 1.6 was implemented

Using WebGL
Web Graphics Library is a JavaScript programming library designed to render interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics within web browser compatibility without the use of plugins. WebGL brings 3D graphics to the web by introducing an API that is built on top of OpenGL ES 2.0, allowing it to be used in HTML5 canvas elements.


Vova23, 2020-06-10

The developer wrote somewhere that the Xash3D port (unofficial Half-Life engine) on Emscripten was taken as the basis, where WebGL is used. Further, when connecting to the server, caching begins and after that the site, probably through the "connect" launch parameter, connects the selected from the site to the server.

Dolosweb, 2020-06-10

Probably the same as this resource https://www.loudplay.ru/
, that is, the cloud (server) launches the game at home, and the control and the gameplay itself are displayed on your screen through a visualizer, intermediary software.
Server - intermediary - user.
Scripts in the public domain is unlikely, it was a very specific need. Okay, there are mods for the game to find that is still a hassle, assemblies of ready-made game servers must be begged. But a special one developed for money out of pocket is unlikely to be laid out in the public domain. It's like a company revealing the trade secret of its successful business.
If you want to raise it without game progers, there are people who raise custom game servers - probably they can do something similar.

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