Vanik Khachatryan2017-06-08 18:27:54
Vanik Khachatryan, 2017-06-08 18:27:54

How is a controller executed at a specific time?

The goal is this: There is a script, and there is a post, you need it to be deleted at a certain time. The time is in the database.
Question: How is this even done without CRON?

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2 answer(s)
JhaoDa, 2017-06-08

Answer: no way without CRON.
PS You can check with any request to the site - is it necessary to remove something there, make coffee, turn on the washing machine? But we, like, are all serious guys here ...

Stanislav Pochepko, 2017-06-08

If you need to make sure that the post is not shown after a certain time, you can not delete it from the database. Just add a variable with the display end date. And if the current date is greater than this variable, then do not show it. Or rather, make a global scope for this model. And in skoupe to make a condition where
This decision without krone.

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