Veronika Stepanovna2016-05-21 19:08:14
Veronika Stepanovna, 2016-05-21 19:08:14

How does Yii::app() work?

As far as I understand, Yii::app() is a method through which you can access the services registered in the framework. What is DI and Service Locator I know and understand that Yii::app() implements access to them. But how exactly? How does the name of the service get into the app() method, how to implement it?

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2 answer(s)
Pavel Volintsev, 2016-05-21

1. Initialization of Yii::app()
Look, there are such lines in the www/index.php file

1. $config = APP_PATH . '/protected/config/main.php';
2. $app = \Yii::createWebApplication($config); // @var CWebApplication $app
3. $app->run();

When processing line 2, the code is executed
1. class YiiBase {
2. {
3.     // ... другой код
5.     public static function createWebApplication($config=null)
6.     {
7.         return self::createApplication('CWebApplication',$config);
8.     }
10.    public static function createApplication($class,$config=null)
11.    {
12.        return new $class($config);
13.    }
14. }

In line 12, taking into account dynamic binding, it is executed. return new CWebApplication($config);
If we go through the parent classes, we can find that
1. abstract class CApplication extends CModule
2. {
3.     // ... другой код
5.     public function __construct($config=null)
6.     {
7.         Yii::setApplication($this);
8.         // ... и другой код
9.     }
10. }

In line 7 it is called Yii::setApplication($this);, and if you look at the class Yiiand its parent YiiBase, you can see how the variable for the construction is eventually initializedYii::app()
class YiiBase {
    private static $_app;
    public static function setApplication($app) // тут определяется значение self::$_app для Yii::app()
        if(self::$_app===null || $app===null)
            throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Yii application can only be created once.'));
    public static function app() // тут можно прочитать значение self::$_app через Yii::app()
        return self::$_app;

Now it is clear that when the type entity was initialized, CWebApplicationthis entity was set to a private variable YiiBase::$_app, which is available through the call Yii::app()
This was initialization
2. Using Yii::app()->module or Yii::app()->component Take another
look at the classCApplication
abstract class CApplication extends CModule
    public function __construct($config=null)

        // ... другой код


        // ... другой код

The method configure($config)prepares data that will be needed later for such calls as (for example) Yii::app()->db
Let's look at the Module class, in which the logic of such calls is implemented
abstract class CModule extends CComponent
    public function configure($config) // сохранить всё что передали по переменным
            foreach($config as $key=>$value)

    public function __get($name) // если кто-то пытается вызвать несуществующее свойство, например Yii::app()->db
        if($this->hasComponent($name)) // проверить что есть настройки или готовая сущность компоненты
            return $this->getComponent($name); // вернуть сущность компоненты
            return parent::__get($name);

    public function hasComponent($id) // проверить что есть настройки или готовая сущность компоненты
        return isset($this->_components[$id]) || isset($this->_componentConfig[$id]);

    public function getComponent($id,$createIfNull=true) // вернуть сущность компоненты
        if(isset($this->_components[$id])) // если есть готовая сущность компоненты, вернуть её
            return $this->_components[$id];
        elseif(isset($this->_componentConfig[$id]) && $createIfNull)
            if(!isset($config['enabled']) || $config['enabled'])
                $component=Yii::createComponent($config); // создать новую сущность компоненты
                return $this->_components[$id]=$component; // сохранить и вернуть её

Let's try to decipher the call Yii::app()->db
As I have already shown, Yii::app()it is an entity of type CWebApplication, and it does not have a public property $db, so PHP calls the magic method __get()from the base class CModule. (Look in the documentation "magic methods")
So, the property CWebApplication->dbdoes not exist and is called CModule->__get('db'), then the code considers that the component may be called.
The method CModule->hasComponent('db')checks that some settings were previously set specified through the configuration file protected/config/main.phpor otherwise. If so, then is called CModule->getComponent('db', ...), which calls Yii::createComponent($config), where $configare the found settings of the specified component, for example, the database connection parameters for the db component
Let's see what it doesYii::createComponent($config)
class YiiBase
    public static function createComponent($config)
        // посмотри сам, тут интересно

Complicated method. Its essence is instantiation of a new entity of some class, 5 or 6 ways. The fact is that this method CModule::createComponent()can be called from anywhere and it has a lot of options for passing parameters.
So, CModule::createComponent()created and returned a new entity. And at the exit from the method, the CModule::getComponent()resulting entity is written to the array CModule->_componentsunder the name 'db'.
All subsequent calls Yii::app()->dbwill check for the presence of the instantiated entity in the array and use it CModule->_components['db']if found there via the configuration file protected/config/main.php
B. Component is initialized only once per PHP application cycle
I hope I have explained the lazy component initialization mechanism clearly

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