Sergey2015-06-25 12:16:26
Sergey, 2015-06-25 12:16:26

How does Windows 8 know my location?

I somehow accidentally went into the maps and was surprised to find that windows knows my location up to the house.
There is definitely no GPS in the specifications of the laptop.
Ubiquiti wifi points + zyxel router are installed at home.
When wifi is disabled on a laptop, the Windows Location API gives an error.
I can't figure out where the Windows Location API is getting this information from.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-06-25

it is hard to say. most likely a cross search. usually the system is initially repelled from the real person (if it is not listed as rented for any region). Next comes a poll of all devices on the network. perhaps someone knows something. we add there knowledge about the time zone, information from open sources about wi-fi networks in this region, and now we are already knocking on your door. Of course, the "weight" of one or another value also plays a role here. if most of the system parameters indicate that you are sitting in some village in Africa. and the real person reports that you are in Magadan, then the weight of the real person decreases. so actually a lot of things can fire you. right up to the cookies of the sites in which you registered. These are general reflections on the meaning of life. there you can add all sorts of programs from Yandex (or Mile), reports of dealers on the sale of equipment in this particular region. and for any one of the devices in your network, it was registered with the manufacturer (for example, for a guarantee). in short, everything comes from the idea "your waffle lit up"

Saboteur, 2015-06-25

"When you turn off wifi on a laptop, the Windows Location API gives an error.
I can't figure out where the Windows Location API gets this information from."
In addition to your wifi point, there are other points in the house that your Windows sees (names) and determines.

Artem, 2015-06-25

Snowden knows. or geoservice.

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