Evgeny Musonov2020-01-17 04:14:41
Evgeny Musonov, 2020-01-17 04:14:41

How does @var work in phpDoc when specifying an interface?

How it works @varwhen specifying a class is clear to me, but what about the interface?

 * Модель продукта
 * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\ProductInterface
 public $productClass;

Call code
     * @return ProductInterface
    protected function getProductClass()
        return $this->exModule->productClass;

The exModule property contains an object of this class

namespace app\modules\exchange\models;

use carono\exchange1c\helpers\ModuleHelper;
use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
use yii\web\IdentityInterface;
use Yii;

 * exchange module definition class
class ExchangeModule extends \yii\base\Module
     * @inheritdoc
    public $controllerNamespace = 'app\modules\exchange\models';
     * Модель продукта
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\ProductInterface
    public $productClass;
     * Модель предложения
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\OfferInterface
    public $offerClass;
     * Модель документа
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\DocumentInterface
    public $documentClass;
     * Модель группы продукта
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\GroupInterface
    public $groupClass;
     * Модель пользователя
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\PartnerInterface
    public $partnerClass;
     * Модель склада
     * @var \carono\exchange1c\interfaces\WarehouseInterface
    public $warehouseClass;
     * Обмен документами
     * @var bool
    public $exchangeDocuments = false;
     * Режим отладки - сохраняем xml файлы в runtime
     * @var bool
    public $debug = false;
     * При обмене используем архиватор, если расширения нет, то зачение не учитывается
     * @var bool
    public $useZip = true;
     * Папка, где будут сохранятся временные файлы
     * @var string
    public $tmpDir = '@runtime/1c_exchange';
     * При сохранении товара, используем валидацию или нет
     * @var bool
    public $validateModelOnSave = false;
     * Установка лимита выполнения скрипта
     * @var int
    public $timeLimit = 1800;
     * Установка лимита памяти скрипта
     * @var mixed
    public $memoryLimit;
     * Автоматическая установка правила для ссылки /1c_exchange.php
     * @var bool
    public $bootstrapUrlRule = true;

     * @var bool Добавлять правило в конец
    public $appendRule = false;

    public $redactorModuleName = 'carono-exchange-redactor';
     * Функция авторизации пользователя
     * function ($login, $password): \yii\web\IdentityInterface|null
     * @var \Closure
    public $auth;

    private function loadRedactorModule()
        $redactorClass = 'yii\redactor\widgets\Redactor';
        $moduleRedactorName = $this->redactorModuleName;
        if (class_exists($redactorClass) && !Yii::$app->getModule($moduleRedactorName)) {
            $routeName = Inflector::camel2id($moduleRedactorName);
            \Yii::$app->setModule($moduleRedactorName, [
                'class' => 'yii\redactor\RedactorModule',
                'uploadDir' => '@vendor/carono/yii2-1c-exchange/files/articles',
                'imageUploadRoute' => ["/$routeName/upload/image"],
                'fileUploadRoute' => ["/$routeName/upload/file"],
                'imageManagerJsonRoute' => ["/$routeName/upload/image-json"],
                'fileManagerJsonRoute' => ["/$routeName/upload/file-json"],
                'imageAllowExtensions' => ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'],
                'on beforeAction' => function () use ($moduleRedactorName) {
                    $redactor = \Yii::$app->getModule($moduleRedactorName);
                    $redactor->uploadUrl = '../file/article?file=';
                    \Yii::$app->setModule($moduleRedactorName, $redactor);

     * @return null|\yii\base\Module
    public function getRedactor()
        return Yii::$app->getModule($this->redactorModuleName);

     * @inheritdoc
    public function init()
        if (!isset(\Yii::$app->i18n->translations['models'])) {
            \Yii::$app->i18n->translations['models'] = [
                'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
                'basePath' => '@app/messages',
                'sourceLanguage' => 'en',

    public function getTmpDir($part = null)
        $dir = \Yii::getAlias($this->tmpDir);
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            FileHelper::createDirectory($dir, 0777, true);
        return $dir . ($part ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($part, '/\\') : '');

     * @param $login
     * @param $password
     * @return null|IdentityInterface
    public function auth($login, $password)
         * @var $class \yii\web\IdentityInterface
         * @var IdentityInterface $user
        $class = \Yii::$app->user->identityClass;
        if (method_exists($class, 'findByUsername')) {
            $user = $class::findByUsername($login);
            if ($user && method_exists($user, 'validatePassword') && $user->validatePassword($password)) {
                return $user;
        return null;

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4 answer(s)
Dmitry Kim, 2020-01-17

When you specify @var App\Contracts\MyInterfacefor a property of some class, it makes you understand that you do not need anything else (except what is in the interface) in this class from this property.
Those. you can replace one implementation of this interface with another (throw an object of one class instead of another) and your code won't break.
For an IDE, this helps with substitution and code highlighting.
PS: Here's an example:

class ShapeHandler {
    * @var ShapeInterface
    private $shape;

    public function __construct(ShapeInterface $shape) {
        $this->shape = $shape;

    public function getShapeSize() : float {
        return $this->shape->getSize();

interface ShapeInterface {
    public function getSize() : float;

class Circle implements ShapeInterface {
    private $radius;

    public function getSize() : float {
        return MATH_PI * pow($this->radius, 2);

    public function getLength() : float {
        return MATH_PI * 2 * $this->radius;

class Rectangle implements ShapeInterface {
    private $height;
    private $width;

    public function getSize() : float {
        return $this->height * $this->width;

    public function getPerimetr() : float {
        return 2 * ($this->height + $this->width);

$circle = new Circle();
$shapeHandler = new ShapeHandler($circle);

$rectangle = new Rectangle();
$shapeHandler = new ShapeHandler($rectangle);

Lev Zabudkin, 2020-01-17

Your question is not complete. Dig into the "@see" area

Gip, 2020-01-17

what is the point of this phpDoc even if it is not specified which variable contains the object that implements this interface? it's completely pointless.
but in general, because @var - after all, from the word variable - think about what a variable can be in php (I'll tell you - it's definitely not an interface).

xmoonlight, 2020-01-17

It's like an adapter: when called, the external object is converted through the interface class into a new object that is understood by this particular class.

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