Ruslan Serg2019-07-15 19:41:05
Ruslan Serg, 2019-07-15 19:41:05

How does React js interact with the server?

How does React interact with the server?
That is, there is a running React, and this React itself works there and exchanges data with the server via ajax requests?
That is, React works on npm, and some php c apache thread is spinning in parallel and react communicates with the php server via ajax without embedding php code in React
. I can’t explain it more precisely because I don’t really know react.
UPD. Not npm but Node

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2 answer(s)
hzzzzl, 2019-07-15

react works in the browser, interacts with the server "like normal sites", the react project is going to the usual pair of html/css/js files
in general yes

Lucretius Pyn, 2019-07-15

There is a react - this is a front-end server and there is, for example, a JSON-server or a server with a database. i.e. two servers

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