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How does bootstrap 5 deal with custom ccs styles?
Welcome all! I'm slowly getting to grips with web development, writing a site in php using laravel, it came to designing and got stuck. Decided to use bootstrap 5 but don't understand why it is so reluctant to work with my css file. Let's say there is a navbar, I took the code base from the site of the bootstrap itself, in css I want to make the navbar menus dispersed along the length of the entire screen, but no matter what I write in css, nothing changes. CSS is included correctly. Look at the html, please, maybe something is blocking the changes, but I still don’t understand what exactly, I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own for several days ...
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Some selectors in bootstrap are written with a bird like .parent>.child and your .child won't override it. Some modifiers generally work with !important, all this is visible in the developer tools
look through the inspector what happens to your styles. maybe you connected them BEFORE the bootstrap, but you need to AFTER. maybe something else is interfering
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