Neonoviiwolf2017-03-02 04:42:36
Neonoviiwolf, 2017-03-02 04:42:36

How does android choose image resolution?


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1 answer(s)
Rou1997, 2017-03-02

I read and read, but still did not understand the essence.

It is better not to read this, but to investigate - WxH inches, physical pixels, dpi - there is a dependence, you need to identify and formulate it.
$ google hdpi range
Result: LDPI = 120 DPI MDPI = 160 DPI HDPI = 240 DPI XHDPI = 320 DPI XXHDPI = 480 DPI XXXHDPI = 640DPI
That's right, 240 dpi is hdpi.
Just in case, I will explain how it should work.
With the correct use of this division by dpi, the metric size of the image - in inches, mm, measure with a ruler - should be the same, regardless of the size of the display and its resolution.
If you don't, take screenshots and we'll have a conversation.
With the emulator, you could still resize the window without changing the characteristics of the "virtual display" itself, of course, the metric size of the image would be violated.

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