Anton Bondarenko2019-03-12 11:30:11
Anton Bondarenko, 2019-03-12 11:30:11

How do you set tabs?

Hello. There was such a problem that I received a code that was previously tabulated with spaces. Because of this, I spend a lot of time on leveling all the nonsense.
All the time I do it with a regular tabulation. Are there any generally accepted code tab settings? I tried to google, I didn’t find it, they advise all sorts of nonsense.
Language - Go.

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1 answer(s)
abmanimenja, 2019-03-12

Modern (and not so modern) IDEs do it themselves.
And not only IDE, but also specialized programmer editors - they also know how.
There are no generally accepted ones. Some languages ​​have traditions. Some companies have a code style guide.
Are you serious right now?
Go is almost the only one where this problem does not exist from the word "generally". Absolutely not.
The utility go fmtdoes what it is strongly recommended to do for all sources written in this language. Able to work both with individual files and with entire directories of files. Everything is done completely automatically.

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