Grandma772018-02-21 16:53:44
Grandma77, 2018-02-21 16:53:44

How do they find me on Instagram?

Good afternoon.
There is an Instagram account with an absolutely neutral name, the notification to friends from VKontakte is turned off, a new mailbox is used and there is no link to a mobile number.
I also turned on the "Business account" checkbox, because of which I had to create a fictitious Facebook profile, where I also did not indicate any data, only confirmation by the same new mail with which the IG account was associated.
However, my friend was able to find me and signed up, which, to put it mildly, surprised me ..
I began to ask her how she found me, what else she laughed at (I really don’t know much about IG), in the end she said that Facebook suggested me to her. Just the other day, MOTHER (whom I, by the way, don’t know and have never seen in my life) signed up for a girl who once studied at the same school as me (wtf?). Is there really no way to hide from friends in this network? So the question is ripe, in fact: How do these people find me ?? No phone number, unfamiliar mail, absolutely unrecognizable account, left empty page on FB (from here I don’t understand how my friend could get an offer for an Instagram account)? Nothing at all that could lead to me. Perhaps I missed something?

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3 answer(s)
Anatoly Pontyuko, 2018-02-21

Geo, binding to anyone through some contacts on the phone, if not through FB, then through the phone or messengers, perhaps or other social networks. There are many options.

Veritas23, 2018-03-01

1. Did you have a photo in a new account? Facebook also has a database of all users who interacted with them. The program will recognize you in any photo. Even if you change your name, they understand from the photo that it is you. It's easy to get there and impossible to leave))
2. You could accidentally go from your new page to the girlfriend's page. In such cases, Insta recommends your page to your friend...
3. There may be a binding by IP or MAC address of the device. As I understand it, when we log in with our login and password on Facebook or Instagram, they mark the device as "ours". And no matter what accounts we subsequently create from this device on Facebook or Instagram, it is marked as "your" or "friend". And so all accounts recommend each other.

Dimonchik, 2018-02-22

specifically you - by cookies,
but in general - like this

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