Telmor2021-10-20 08:52:51
Telmor, 2021-10-20 08:52:51

How do I make a user via id in discord.py?

I have a code that, on clicking a button, receives the following message written by the user.
Those. I have an embed with buttons and when a person presses the button, a bot will be sent to him: enter the user. And when the user mentions it, the bot gives an error:

Ignoring exception in command test1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Fenix\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\core.py", line 85, in wrapped
    ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Fenix\Desktop\modern\Beta(войсы(все))\cogs\private.py", line 165, in createembedforprivateroom
    await channel4.set_permissions(user, connect=False)
  File "C:\Users\Fenix\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\abc.py", line 648, in set_permissions
    raise InvalidArgument('target parameter must be either Member or Role')
discord.errors.InvalidArgument: target parameter must be either Member or Role

How can I remove this error, and so that when a user mentions another user, the mentioned one is entered into the channel rights - do not enter.
My code is here:
await ctx.send(f'**Упомяните** пользователя у которого хотите **забрать** доступ к комнате!. Для этого у вас есть 20 секунд!', delete_after=20)
                        res = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=lambda i: i.author == member, timeout=20)
                        cd = res.content \
                            .replace("<", "") \
                            .replace("@", "") \
                            .replace("!", "") \
                            .replace(">", "")
                        user = get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=cd)
                        channel4 = self.bot.get_channel(channel1)
                        await channel4.set_permissions(user, connect=False)
                        await ctx.send(f'{member.mention}, вы **закрыли доступ** в комнату пользователю {user.mention}')

Please help me with this issue. If something is not enough for you - write, I will add.

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