Alexey R2014-06-22 22:14:08
Alexey R, 2014-06-22 22:14:08

How do I know if a site is using an API?

Good day to all. Please tell me how to find out if the site uses the API?

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4 answer(s)
zdiii, 2014-06-22

Dear write for more details!
For example: "Does Yandex have an API?" or "Does site.ru use the API of other services?".

Sergey Petrov, 2014-06-22

The most correct way is to look for references to the API in the site's documentation. Or google "site.ru api".
Because even if you find the address of the API interface by clicking on it, you still need to interact with it somehow, but there’s no way without documentation.

Konstantin Kiyashko, 2014-06-23

This is the wrong question.
You can find out with sniffers:
- which JS libraries/frameworks are used
- web server (Apache/Nginx/IIS)
- sometimes platform (Debian/Fedora/Windows etc.)
- sometimes server side language (PHP/node.js etc.)
- sometimes server framework (Yii/Zend etc.)
- almost always - CMS, if it exists of course (Wordpress/Joomla/Magento etc)
Use these sniffers (these are extensions for Chrome):

LiteWeb, 2022-02-09

The community on Github collects all the public APIs they find:

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