Monitorkin2016-04-04 18:18:59
Monitorkin, 2016-04-04 18:18:59

How do I get the controller to work in a subfolder of a view?

There is a pages module , it contains the AdminController controller and the controller views folder /pages/views/admin/
How can I make the controller work in the subfolder /pages/views/admin/config/ I
ask because I tried everything with zero result ..

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1 answer(s)
DieZz, 2016-04-04

Why is the controller in the views folder?
In theory, the structure should be like this:
Config.php file code


namespace app\modules\pages\config

class Config 

Well, if you really want to put it in a directory with views, then write the namespace app\modules\pages\views\admin\config

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