RomanAkaMagician2014-09-17 21:44:41
RomanAkaMagician, 2014-09-17 21:44:41

How did you get the email?

We have Chrome with adblock plus installed (only it is nothing more from extensions). Went to google to look for tires. 30 minutes after that, an advertisement with the offer of the same rubber falls on my mail.ru mail. I go to the site - and I understand that I was not there, i.e. did not come. I check in mail.ru I am logged in, but at the time of the search there was no tab with mail.ru.
For the second day now I have been trying to figure out how (and I still suspect google) got my email address and in general I missed something and they offer such advertising services as transferring mail of potential customers? Or is it much easier?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Taratin, 2014-09-17

Were you logged into social networks? Email in profiles?

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