hashspark2013-04-04 15:34:43
hashspark, 2013-04-04 15:34:43

How can you store a table in Drupal for each node?

Hello Habr.
There is Noda. This is a kind of entity that is leased.
It is necessary to store an employment table with 3 states (free / busy / in reserve) depending on the month.
Those. for example, in January - busy, in February - busy, in March - free, etc.
Can anyone come across? In which direction to dig? Do a separate field or try to make a separate table?

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1 answer(s)
artemln, 2013-04-04

Look towards the field collection
module First, create a field collection in the node, making it a multiple. Then add 2 fields to the field collection: month and occupancy, set the number of values ​​to 1.
That's it - you can add an unlimited number of month-occupancy ratios to the node.

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