chelkaz2017-04-23 00:18:33
chelkaz, 2017-04-23 00:18:33

How can this be? Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' not found after migrating project?

Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' Worth "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2",
Installed via composer and works (but not via Redis tasks) I'm suffering from
misunderstanding for the second day. There is a project on another server, everything works fine (email notifications are queued via redis)
There is another server, everything is set up. The radish is worth it.
I make a copy of the project there from scratch, and when I try to send a notification, I get:
Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' not found
Although it costs. I decided to check to transfer a fully working duplicate from the first server to this one.
And I was surprised that now an exact copy of the working draft does not work on the new server, but writes:
Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' not found
It turns out that the problem is not in the code and not in the files!?
I check the radish and see that it is being written to:
lrange queues:default 0 -1

1) "{\"displayName\":\"App\\\\Notifications\\\\ResetPassword\",\"job\":\"Illuminate\\\\Queue\\\\[email protected]\",\"maxTries\":null,\"timeout\":null,\"data\":{\"commandName\":\"Illuminate\\\\Notifications\\\\SendQueuedNotifications\",\"command\":\"O:48:\\\"Illuminate\\\\Notifications\\\\SendQueuedNotifications\\\":6:{s:11:\\\"notifiables\\\";O:45:\\\"Illuminate\\\\Contracts\\\\Database\\\\ModelIdentifier\\\":2:{s:5:\\\"class\\\";s:8:\\\"App\\\\User\\\";s:2:\\\"id\\\";a:1:{i:0;i:10;}}s:12:\\\"notification\\\";O:37:\\\"App\\\\Notifications\\\\ResetPassword\\\":5:{s:5:\\\"token\\\";s:64:\\\"919336a6f1331ab99026e52e28417e8fd9b1480cd7822ff1467d\\\";s:2:\\\"id\\\";s:36:\\\"05888349-0f62-49ee-8d97-f2d0059fcfdb\\\";s:10:\\\"connection\\\";N;s:5:\\\"queue\\\";N;s:5:\\\"delay\\\";N;}s:8:\\\"channels\\\";a:1:{i:0;s:4:\\\"mail\\\";}s:10:\\\"connection\\\";N;s:5:\\\"queue\\\";N;s:5:\\\"delay\\\";N;}\"},\"id\":\"vxFuA62k7UQr9ZtpPB9V4viXv2vNXWJ2\",\"attempts\":0}"

After lrange queues:default 0 -1
(empty list or set)
And an error appears in the logs:
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' not found in /data/wwwroot/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/TransportManager.php:185

How can this be? If the new server has an exact copy that runs on another server. What could be the reason? I thought it was in the code and files, but after uploading an exact working copy and getting an error, I began to think that it was something else ... What then?

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1 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2017-04-23

it’s obvious that you don’t have http gasl
look where you get it from
here either the include didn’t pass or the library doesn’t cost some kind in php

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