OneOlOf2020-08-06 02:51:37
OneOlOf, 2020-08-06 02:51:37

How can I solve the problem with the VK API?

Good afternoon.
Did a personal service. All was well for about half a year. Just the day before yesterday I look at the logs there is {"error":{"error_code":29,"error_msg":"Rate limit reached","request_params": ... I

took the token here https://vkhost.github.io/

Tried get the token. The same.

The most interesting thing is that it worked for half a year. There were several accounts and an acc that I added about 3 weeks ago stopped working as well as an acc that worked for half a year.

Did something change in VK the day before yesterday?

What could be? How to decide?)

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3 answer(s)
Sedbol, 2020-08-06

The error code means "The quantitative limit for the method call has been reached" Everything is described here

Yuri Paimurzin, 2020-08-06

restrictions most likely work, like this https://vk.com/dev/data_limits

prostoix, 2022-03-24

Most likely, the API version specified in the VK settings and in the request body does not match.

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