Alexander Ivanov2015-06-19 11:00:30
Alexander Ivanov, 2015-06-19 11:00:30

How can I replace the getAssetsUrl method with upi (Yii)?

This is what the widget looks like by default:

        'collapse' => true,
        'brand' => CHtml::image(
            Yii::app()->getTheme()->getAssetsUrl() . '/images/logo.png',
                'width' => '38',
                'height' => '38',
                'title' => Yii::app()->name,

The getAssetsUrl() method loads the path to the assets folder. How to make it load an image from without this path, or even completely disable loading a file from assets?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Litvin, 2015-06-19

Try replacing this - Yii::app()->getTheme()->getAssetsUrl() . '/images/logo.png' to your path.

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