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How can I insert a certain word into a string at the place I need?
Greetings to all! The following task is on the agenda: "Develop a function that inserts a given word into a sentence. The new word should become the nth word in the sentence (n is given as the third parameter of the function). From the keyboard, enter three character strings and a word. Using the developed function, insert an additional word into the entered lines so that in the first line it becomes the first, in the second - the third, and in the last - the fifth"
There are no problems with the first sentence. But with the second and third, it does not work out. I tried to count the number of spaces in sentences, but it doesn't even work.
Tell me where and what is wrong?
Thanks in advance to everyone who will answer)))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
# define MAX 1000
struct Stroka{
char First[100];
char Second[100];
char Third[100];
char Word[20];
int i = 0;
void Poshuk();
void Poshuk1();
void Poshuk2();
int main(){
for (i; i < 1; i++) {
system("chcp 1251");
printf("Первое предложение: ");
printf("Второе предложение: ");
printf("Третье предложение: ");
printf("Слово: ");
return 0;
void Poshuk() {
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
printf_s("Обработанное: %s %s", list[j].Word, list[j].First);
void Poshuk1() {
char* p2 = list[i].Word, * p1 = list[i].Second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (*p1 == ' ') {
strcpy(p1, p2);
printf_s("Обработанное: %s", &p1);
void Poshuk2() {
char* p2 = list[i].Word, * p1 = list[i].Third;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (*p1 == ' ') {
strcpy(p1, list[i].Word);
printf_s("Обработанное: %s", &p1);
Answer the question
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Not so in almost every line.
First, why do you need a four-line structure? What for to you an array from it on 1000 elements.
What the hell is this all about?
for (i; i < 1; i++) {
Does this cycle of one iteration bother you at all?
Further, the assignment clearly states
Develop a function that inserts a given word into a sentence. The new word must become the nth word in the sentence (n is given as the third parameter of the function)
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