Egor Nameles2019-04-22 14:51:28
Egor Nameles, 2019-04-22 14:51:28

How can I implement sorting and searching by “risk” in my code?

I am writing a small program with OOP and inheritance. There is a base class and five classes are inherited from it - types of insurance. Through the menu you need to display 3 items. 1 - View types of insurance, 2 - Sort by decreasing risk, 3 - Find by risk. It is not possible to sort by risk and search. Can you please tell me how to implement these items?

File Derivative.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>

class Derivativ
  Derivativ(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  Derivativ(const Derivativ& t);
  const char* getname() const;
  int getterm()const;
  const char* getoblig() const;
  const char* getvariety() const;
  int getstep()const;
  virtual void Show();
  virtual double Summa();

  virtual ~Derivativ();

  char* name;
  int term;
  char* oblig;
  char* variety;
  int step;

class Live : public Derivativ
  Live(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  Live(const Derivativ& t);
  void Show() override;
  double Summa() override;

  virtual ~Live();


class Medicine : public Derivativ
  Medicine(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  Medicine(const Derivativ& t);
  void Show() override;
  double Summa() override;

  virtual ~Medicine();


class Ncase : public Derivativ
  Ncase(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  Ncase(const Derivativ& t);
  void Show() override;
  double Summa() override;

  virtual ~Ncase();

class Property : public Derivativ
  Property(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  Property(const Derivativ& t);
  void Show() override;
  double Summa() override;

  virtual ~Property();

class CivilLiab : public Derivativ
  CivilLiab(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s);
  CivilLiab(const Derivativ& t);
  void Show() override;
  double Summa() override;

  virtual ~CivilLiab();

File Derivative.cpp
#include "Derivativ.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

  name = 0;
  term = 0;
  oblig = 0;
  variety = 0;
  step = 0;

Derivativ::Derivativ(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s)
  : name(new char[strlen(n) + 1]), term(t), oblig(new char[strlen(o) + 1]), variety(new char[strlen(v) + 1]), step(s)
  strcpy(name, n);
  strcpy(oblig, o);
  strcpy(variety, v);

Derivativ::Derivativ(const Derivativ& t)
  : name(new char[strlen(t.name) + 1]), term(t.term), oblig(new char[strlen(t.oblig) + 1]), variety(new char[strlen(t.variety) + 1]), step(t.step)
  strcpy(name, t.name);
  strcpy(oblig, t.oblig);
  strcpy(variety, t.variety);

void Derivativ::Show()
{ }

double Derivativ::Summa()
  return 0;

  delete[] name;
  delete[] oblig;
  delete[] variety;

const char* Derivativ::getname() const
  return name;

int Derivativ::getterm() const
  return term;

const char* Derivativ::getoblig() const
  return oblig;

const char* Derivativ::getvariety() const
  return variety;

int Derivativ::getstep() const
  return step;

Live::Live() :Derivativ()
{ }

Live::Live(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s) : Derivativ(n, t, o, v, s)
{ }

Live::Live(const Derivativ& t) : Derivativ(t)
{ }

void Live::Show()
  cout << "Страхование жизни";

double Live::Summa()
  return 10000 * term + 518;

{ }

Medicine::Medicine() :Derivativ()
{ }

Medicine::Medicine(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s) : Derivativ(n, t, o, v, s)
{ }

Medicine::Medicine(const Derivativ& t) : Derivativ(t)
{ }

void Medicine::Show()
  cout << "Медицинское страхование";

double Medicine::Summa()
  return 5000 * term + 482;

{ }

Ncase::Ncase() :Derivativ()
{ }

Ncase::Ncase(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s) : Derivativ(n, t, o, v, s)
{ }

Ncase::Ncase(const Derivativ& t) : Derivativ(t)
{ }

void Ncase::Show()
  cout << "Страхование от несчастных случаев";

double Ncase::Summa()
  return 6500 * term + 491;

{ }

Property::Property() :Derivativ()
{ }

Property::Property(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s) : Derivativ(n, t, o, v, s)
{ }

Property::Property(const Derivativ& t) : Derivativ(t)
{ }

void Property::Show()
  cout << "Страхование имущества";

double Property::Summa()
  return 7400 * term + 504;

{ }

CivilLiab::CivilLiab() :Derivativ()
{ }

CivilLiab::CivilLiab(const char* n, int t, const char* o, const char* v, int s) : Derivativ(n, t, o, v, s)
{ }

CivilLiab::CivilLiab(const Derivativ& t) : Derivativ(t)
{ }

void CivilLiab::Show()
  cout << "Страхование гражданской ответственности";

double CivilLiab::Summa()
  return 6900 * term + 498;

CivilLiab ::~CivilLiab()
{ }

main.cpp file
#include <iostream>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include "Derivativ.h"
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    void Menu() {
        cout << "1 - Посмотреть виды страховок" << endl;
        cout << "2 - Отсортировать по уменьшению степени риска" << endl;
        cout << "3 - Найти по степени риска" << endl;
        cout << "0 - Выход" << endl;
    int main()
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian");
        int c;
        do {
            cout << "Ваш выбор: ";
            cin >> c;
            switch (c) {
            case 1:
                Derivativ *ex[5];
                ex[0] = new Live("Страхование жизни", 3, "Добровальное", "Личное", 5);
                ex[1] = new Medicine("Медицинское страхование", 5, "Добровальное", "Личное", 3);
                ex[2] = new Ncase("Страхование от несчастных случаев", 5, "Добровальное", "Личное", 4);
                ex[3] = new Property("Страхование имущества", 1, "Добровальное", "Имущественное", 2);
                ex[4] = new CivilLiab("Страхование гражданской ответственности", 1, "Добровальное", "Имущественное", 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    cout << "Номер: " << (i + 1) << endl;
                    //cout << "Тип страховки: ";
                    cout << endl;
                    cout << "Название: " << ex[i]->getname() << endl;
                    cout << "Срок действия (в годах): " << ex[i]->getterm() << endl;
                    cout << "Добровалиное/обязательное:" << ex[i]->getoblig() << endl;
                    cout << "Разновидность: " << ex[i]->getvariety() << endl;
                    cout << "Степень риска: " << ex[i]->getstep() << endl;
                    cout << "Стоимость страховки: " << ex[i]->Summa() << endl;
                    cout << endl << endl;
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                    delete ex[i];
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 0:
            default: cout << "Некорректный вариант выбора!" << endl;
        } while (c != 0);
        return 0;

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1 answer(s)
tsarevfs, 2019-04-22

1. Sorting function from the standard library: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/sort. See the lambda function example. In your case, its parameters will be pointers to Derivativ, and in the body there will be a comparison by the corresponding property.
2. An ordinary array does not have begin() and end(). Use a vector instead of an array or https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/begin
3. An array with insurances is created for you only if 1 is selected. It's a little more logical if it lives for the entire program runtime.
4. Sorting changes the array. Probably "2" should create a copy of the array, sort it and print it.
5. Use std::string to store strings. Life will become a little easier and more fun.
5. DerivativesIt is something derived from something. And you produce the opposite from him. Insurance or BaseInsurance is a more appropriate name.

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