just_obs2021-09-28 20:44:29
just_obs, 2021-09-28 20:44:29

How can I find the line I need in the text?

There is such a response from the server in the form of text (it is actually 40 times more):

</div><div class="card-buttons"><!--noindex--><div class="item-button sale_button hide"><a class="btn btn-fire btn-product button-buy giftcard" href="?in_id=317400" rel="nofollow"><span itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/OutOfStock">Оформить заказ</span></a><!--noindex--><a class="btn btn-default btn-product button-in_cart hide" href="/basket/orders/" rel="nofollow">В корзине</a><!--/noindex--><a class="btn btn-border btn

There is this line here:
<span itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/OutOfStock">

The question is simple: How can I parse/get the content from the href tag? Given that fetch returns text to me, and not just markup?
I apologize in advance to the professionals, I'm just starting to understand here!

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1 answer(s)
Chipekwe, 2021-09-28

/(?<="availability" href=").+?(?=">)/
Or you can parse the received response into the DOM and search through querySelector and attributes:

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