Jeditobe2016-03-25 22:41:51
Computer networks
Jeditobe, 2016-03-25 22:41:51

How can I download a full size photo from my mail.ru world?

This means the photo is not with the resolution in which it opens, but with the one that was when the photo was uploaded to the mail
, is this possible, if so, how can I do it?
I uploaded the photo to the album with the original saved! It was back when the Photo.mail.ru project was separate from my world.

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1 answer(s)
AntHTML, 2016-03-26

No. When uploading, all photos are compressed by the site engine to standard sizes. Site owners do not have unlimited disk resources to store your files in the original, all of them are compressed to the resolution and / or maximum allocated file size that the site needs.

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