Evgeniy2019-02-18 00:34:08
Evgeniy, 2019-02-18 00:34:08

How can I disable the addition of another product?

Good afternoon.
I want to make sure that the same product is not added more than once to the cart.
For example:
I ordered 1 outlet and it goes to the cart, but when ordering the 2nd outlet, nothing happens.
That is, so that the same product is not added to the basket 2 times

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2 answer(s)
Sergey S., 2019-02-18

Check the box "Sell individually" in the product properties

Orkhan Hasanli, 2019-02-18

Solution - https://screenshots.firefox.com/EKTnItPVXNgXfm3D/w...

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