Dmitry2016-04-11 16:09:35
Dmitry, 2016-04-11 16:09:35

How can I change the address of the joomla 3 admin panel?

you need to remove site.ru/administratro
and make site.ru/fjsdkfjsdjfds something like
that. Plugins only offer a solution via administrator/fdhsjfdhsf like that.

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6 answer(s)
Sanes, 2016-04-11

If you want to hide the signs of Joomla, then this will not save. Better add .htpasswd.

Alexander, 2016-04-11

and if for security reasons, I recommend jSecure Authentication. I use it myself

Lordboy, 2016-06-25

Create an .htaccess file and write in it
Order deny, allow
deny from all
Allow from (your IP address) if static IP
If dynamic, then
order deny, allow
deny from all
allow from 174.204.33.
allow from 175.205.
allow from 177.177.177.
You can register the entire subnet mask
Then, drop this file into the /administrator folder And that's it, only you will have access to the admin panel at this address.
Do not install plugins, they work crookedly and often block access not only to villains, but also to owners))
From the RS Firewall extensions, it will not only hide the admin panel, but also help in many other ways in terms of security.

xmoonlight, 2016-04-11


Viktor Taran, 2016-04-12

this is not done via .htaccess

Sergey Goryachev, 2016-04-13

The best jSecure Authentication solution.
You can make a path like site.ru/administrator/?admincenter , and they will not break, since when accessing the address /administrator/ there will be either a 404 error or a redirect to the main one, it is configured.

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