HamsterGamer2022-03-10 14:48:38
C++ / C#
HamsterGamer, 2022-03-10 14:48:38

How can I bind my program to only one port using boost::asio?

The essence of the task is as follows, this is a peer-to-peer connection, in fact there is a swarm and I need to connect to all its participants. In this case, my port (which I will set) will be stored in this swarm along with the ip address when I make a request to get a list of members from this swarm (I will become the same member of the swarm). But the problem is that I don't understand how you can occupy a port even before connecting, bind each socket to these participants through this port, and at the same time create an acceptor for this port.
This is how I make the connection (here the port (which I want to connect from my side ) is not indicated and it is not clear to me what it will be?):

void client::do_connect(ba::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint) {
    auto self(Get());
    ba::async_connect(socket_, std::move(endpoint), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec,  const ba::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator&) {
        if (!ec) {
            ... // полезная работа если подключились
        } else try_again();
    timeout_.expires_from_now(connection_waiting_time + epsilon);

After I am connected, new participants will already contact me on the port that I specified (when I made a request to this swarm) and it’s clear which port the socket connects to.
tcp::endpoint endpoint(tcp::v4(), "2007");
tcp::acceptor acceptor_(io_service, endpoint);
// ...
void Listener::do_accept() {
                           [this](boost::system::error_code ec){
       if (!ec) {
           ... // делаем новое соединение с сокетом

But how can I make it so that the entire program uses the same port on all sockets? Or in the case of connection it does not matter?

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