DunkanMaklaut2020-07-27 12:40:31
DunkanMaklaut, 2020-07-27 12:40:31

How can a web application written in java be distributed?

I have written a web application (Java 6 + Tomcat 7) to work with a database i.e. it consists of servlets, JSPs and a bunch of libraries.... I need to somehow distribute it to other computers. But as I understand it, Jar is not for web applications, and War can only be launched in a container .... If there are other ways, please tell us about them (well, or throw a link). And another question: If I wrote an application on a tomcat, and move it with a War archive to another container, for example, oracle, will the transfer be painless? Or does something need to be changed?

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-07-27

You can assemble a web application in a jar yourself, including a web server. However, it is better then to use lightweight Jetty instead of Tomcat. You can only build an application with dependencies in war, but then it needs a pre-installed container. All containers are compatible with each other.

kocherman, 2020-07-27

Put it on Github or you can raise your svn server. And write a deployment script in bash or powershell. Also run it next to the source code. And make a short link to this script. For example, something like cutt.link/netty .
Then the sweep can be launched with a command that you can remember by heart.
Something like:
curl http://cutt.link/netty | bash

Yerlan Ibraev, 2020-07-27

Well, you can in docker .
Now it is "stylish, fashionable, youthful" :-)

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