durnevdanya2017-06-26 23:59:35
durnevdanya, 2017-06-26 23:59:35

How can a Russian put a project on kickstarter?

Hello. I understand that this question has already been asked, but I did not find a clear answer.
Started a project (application) with a friend. We created a prototype, we want to put it on kickstarter. I speak English at the Intermediate level. But as we know, non-US citizens are not allowed to enter.
I must say right away that I don’t know what price to set, or how to arrange everything (in terms of design). The plans are no longer even in collecting a large amount, but in drawing attention to themselves and involving a large number of people in it. The money will go to buy a server.
They advised to contact agencies that can organize it. But we don't have any money. They tried to make contact with people from the Russian Federation who gave their best on kick, to no avail. There are no acquaintances abroad.

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2 answer(s)
Vlad Petrov, 2017-06-27

If the main thing for you is not money, but attention, give it your all on planeta.ru. A very lively place.

Philip Grr, 2017-06-28

You need an intermediary, there is no other way. Look for acquaintances abroad through acquaintances, in other cases there will be no free service.

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