Dietone2016-12-29 19:24:08
Dietone, 2016-12-29 19:24:08

How can a pure mathematician make money?

I know there are people here who understand this: I know differential geometry, algebraic geometry and category theory well, in general, "pure" mathematics. I have publications in mathematical journals.
So how can I make money from my knowledge other than teaching math at the university?
We are talking, firstly, about any opportunities (I agree to any, if only I could apply my given knowledge, because I love it), and secondly, of course, about little money, just for a living wage.
I live in Russia.
Thank you!

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25 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2016-12-29

I can tell you about a physicist friend.
He is mainly involved in programming in his field. However, he is not a software developer, but programming is part of his responsibilities. This is a tool.
When you mentioned that you are a pure mathematician, it means that you are not familiar with programming. nor with any applied area? This needs to be corrected.

Sergey, 2016-12-29

As a consultant for developers who need a checkmate. apparatus.
At first glance, such as: all sorts of analysts, smart marketers (stupid people don’t need this), statistics, etc.
How you can help: compiling all sorts of models based on input data, for a deeper understanding of the dependences of the output on the input (ala Data Science, Machine Learning, etc.)
Every fool can be a programmer, not every programmer can be a mathematician.
So you already have 50% of the makings, it remains to be not a theorist, but a practitioner.
I recommend Data Science, Machine Learning areas.

Alexander Filippenko, 2016-12-30

Mat modeling can bring very good money. For example physical processes. Mathematics is in great demand in the aircraft and automotive industry, since it is much cheaper to search for the optimal body shape or tire tread pattern using computer calculations than to produce several options at the factory and test them live.
Our teacher on the theory of elasticity liked to boast that his former student is now working in Germany, at the BMW factory, and it was he who came up with the famous conical shock absorber springs.

#FFFFFF, 2016-12-30

Large IT companies have their own laboratories where mathematicians work. For example Raidix.

spr53, 2017-01-05

Let me supplement the previous answers a little with a quote:
"Any new field of activity gives rise to new professions. A data scientist, a Data Scientist, and a machine learning specialist are the new most enviable specialists of the future. They are not programmers. - disciplinary knowledge and a super ability to analyze, backed up by perseverance - because the chances of finding the perfect formula for training artificial intelligence the first time are close to zero. They must look for among all existing algorithms the one that is best suited to solving project problems and understand when something what goes wrong, what goes wrong."

Alexander Sinitsyn, 2016-12-29

Look for those who are involved in projects with a tight tie in mathematics and offer consulting services.

Deerenaros, 2016-12-29

Well, in general, universities require research workers too. Although in the Russian Federation this is more difficult, but in general there are a couple of places at the university. The competition, of course, is wild. No teaching required, only supervised scientific work. Of course, there will be a minimum exchange of experience, but this is at the level of once a year as promised. Yes, and mostly on their own work.
And so, yes. Applied Programmers. Try mathematica (or python) and search by tags "machine learning" and "neural networks", "data processing" (data mining). Or try python + GLSL (or some engine and corresponding shader language) and there already play geometry and computational geometry, less mathematics, but prettier problems and solutions (as a rule). Here the tags are something like this: "shaders", "3d programming", "GLSL", "HLSL", "opengl", "directx", "(un)biased rendering". Well, there is also physics, meteorology, biology and other heresy, where programmers are also needed and they basically split numbers in a tricky way. Although, which is typical, in our country physicists, meteorologists, biologists and others usually do this themselves.

Пума Тайланд, 2016-12-30

Репетитором во
Программируйте мат алгоритмы

lere, 2016-12-29

Можете заработать на ведении блога или тематического сайта.

Sanes, 2016-12-29

Преподавание. Экзаменационные и научные работы.

zooks, 2016-12-29

Выучить английский и преподавать за рубежом.

Александр Скуснов, 2016-12-30

Финансы + математика -> биржа.
Хотя, пригодится ли там диф. геометрия?

sergski, 2016-12-30

Посмотрите соответствующие вакансии, может вас днем с огнем ищут)

x67, 2016-12-30

1. Grants, travel abroad and work there. If you know English, you will be hired in Europe and America. If you have a desire to learn Chinese, you can also find a job, I suppose. If you have published in foreign journals or from the VAK list, this will be a huge plus.
2. Programming, mathematics is needed in many places. Examples have already been given here.
3. In our country there are quite a few different research institutes, SSCs, just design bureaus, where mathematicians are also needed. You have no idea what kind of fools sometimes work there. And you, being a mathematician, know how to think and you will certainly be able to learn everything you need to work, the main thing is not to be afraid, the presence of good mathematicians is really important for our science. But here you have to choose, because not everywhere funding is at a sufficiently high level. I would recommend that you make a list of all the nearest research institutes, send out resumes and, in addition, try to personally contact the heads of scientific departments in them. Naturally, it is necessary to discuss both work and salary issues. You can also go to conferences and meet these people there. There will almost certainly not be super-big money, but you can get above the average for your region.

Dmitry, 2016-12-30

Data Science, Machine Learning.

GlebJS, 2016-12-30

There are apps in which you can solve math problems for English-speaking students, for example gotitapp

Vlad Petrov, 2017-01-03

My friend, a mathematician, made an excellent career as an HR, she calculates people at once)

ZloyHobbit, 2017-01-05

Вам прямая дорога в Data Science, программировать на python научится пятикалсник за неделю, огромное количество инструментов уже написаны и их надо просто использовать. Но большая проблема в том, что люди не понимают, что они делают, и как оно работает. А там как раз аналит пермешанный со статистикой, и платят неплохо. Куча русов есть на всех возможных платформах.
Ну или если совсем от компьютера воротит, то готовить народ к ЕГЭ и экзаменам в институте можно. Сейчас, на удивление, выросла область репетиторов, которые готовят студентов к экзаменам. Потому что студенты не могут сами почитать книжку и порешать задачки.

Иосиф Немлихер, 2017-01-05

I have works on number theory.
Don't be scared!
"BTF Proof for the Cube as a Key...".
"Deterministic Number Factorization Method".
Published on Habrahabr. Scolded for incomprehensibility in the presentation.
Essentially, it's empty.
The same thing happened on the dxdy math forum.
True, on Habrahabr, slightly different.
I practice everything.
If you have a desire, rate and edit.
I would like to publish in a scientific journal of the required caliber.
There is an opportunity, on the basis of developments, to go further independently.
I wrote this because I read, "I'm interested."
My skype: iosif705.
e-mall: [email protected]
True, I don’t know what kind of money you consider not big.

Sergey, 2017-01-06

Write me an email in the profile, there is a one-time order. Cons - the academy and, if you agree, you will have to work with me

Andrey Pletenev, 2017-01-07

Чтобы сузить круг поиска с отраслей до конкретных компаний, и использовать по максимуму свои наиболее сильные стороны, я бы пошел таким путем:
1) Выяснить какое прикладное применение имеет не вся математика, а конкретные перечисленные вами узкие дисциплины, в которых вы наиболее сильны. Для чего-то ведь они нужны? Где они используются на практике?
2) Поиск списка компаний в желаемом регионе, которые работают с этим.
К примеру, гугль говорит, что дифференциальная геометрия используется в топологии. Это означает, что в зону вашего интереса попадают компании, которые занимаются топологическим моделированием (влючая те, не бедные, что пасутся вокруг Роснефти и Газпрома), а так же те компании, которые делают ПО для первых. Находите хотя бы одну такую компанию (гугль, 2gis, знакомые), выбираете с ее сайта специфичные ключевые фразы, определяющие предметную область и по ним находите еще кучу аналогичных компаний. То же самое для других ваших областей специализации.

Егор, 2017-01-09

Ставки на спорт. Мат.анализ+мат.статистика+расчёт мат.моделей.
Как раз нужен такой человек как вы)

bro-dev, 2017-01-18

Можно делать домашку, курсовики, дисеры для студентов)

Agaghma, 2017-12-12

Уже много интересных вариантов вам предложили) Как по мне, достаточно прибыльный и не пыльный вариант – это писать курсовые, дипломные и прочие работы для студентов. И график работы можно самостоятельно регулировать и знания на практике применять. Сейчас это очень актуально и востребовано. Можно разместить объявление в интернете, на том же aвито например, описать специфику вашего направления, на каких условиях работаете, можно и фото прикрепить) Заинтересованных будет более чем достаточно)

Mnegra, 2017-12-31

Of course, you won't go far at a net rate. All my colleagues, including myself, are looking for additional ways to earn money. For the most part, this is tutoring. At first, I only worked with school students, then I posted an ad on Avito about my services, attached a photo, described everything in detail what I do with children, and a lot of interested parents responded and began to sign up for classes. So, now it is in great demand, the main thing is to be a good specialist, not stand still and constantly develop)

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