ostapik982016-03-11 21:23:12
ostapik98, 2016-03-11 21:23:12

How are things with java?

Are there many java programmers now? Is it difficult to get a job without experience but with knowledge of spring and hibernate??

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1 answer(s)
Konstantin Malyarov, 2016-03-12

Juniors - to the persimmon. There are not enough Middles and Seniors.
Again, where and how is missing. In the field of goods and services - there is not enough, and very much (chain stores feel this very strongly, because I worked in a chain store and had to in parallel come up with crutches for the corresponding software that we were provided with).
If you are planning to go headlong into Java, then it is advisable to study Spring. Knowledge of MVC is a significant plus in mastering JavaEE. MVC is like "divide and conquer". Many spit on this technology, but I have not yet found a replacement for this technology. Hibernate will improve communication between the database and your project. So this technology is important.
I would distribute it like this:
Stage 1: JavaSE Stage
2: SQL and NoSQL storage.
Stage 3: JavaSE and SQL.
Stage 4: JavaEE + Application Server.
Then you can be sure that you can easily take on Spring and Hibernate.
On SE it will take 3-4 months forcibly. SQL is the same. JavaEE - spend the rest of your time.
Yet again. Frontend or backend? Here, too, you need to understand what you want.
Decide on the target and row in its direction.
PS I am a dentist myself, now I am writing a project for storing clinical cases.
My stack is [JavaEE(JSF, JDBC) + MySQL + Wildfly].
Here, look here .

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