ConroeTS2015-06-10 11:58:28
Network administration
ConroeTS, 2015-06-10 11:58:28

Hosting with the possibility of renting a VPS / an entire server based on a processor with integrated graphics, what is it?

The task is this - you need a remote machine with integrated graphics (for example, on HD4000)
Roughly speaking, a remote office PC, due to the fact that they offer hosting, I did not find anything suitable, can anyone come across this?

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3 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-06-10

Any dedicated server with core i7. EX40, EX40-SSD from hetzner, for example.
The cheapest option is probably https://tehnodom.com/auction/ , but you still need to catch it there.

Eva Ra, 2015-06-10

I've been really hung up on this issue. Technically, it's possible (assembly and delivery), but will hosters take it on... Technically, it's time to spit, but do they need it? Here you need to contact the heads of companies

Victor Savchenko, 2015-06-10

Question to question - why?
In any case, you lose graphical acceleration when connecting remotely via RDP. Consider that it is, that it is not, it does not matter.

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