Nikita2010-09-14 20:55:02
Nikita, 2010-09-14 20:55:02

Hosting for images with API?

Let's say I need to make a form where the user selects a file to upload to the site, and the file is uploaded to ImageShack, for example, and not to my server.
I know that ImageShack has an API, but it gives links to the user, and I need these links to be sent back to my server, i.e.:
user --> image hosting --> my site.

Tell me where to find such a service. For example, Loginza did a very cool job - they give specials to my site through the user. key, and through it my server requests data from Loginza, and she gives him all the necessary information about users - this is the best solution.

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5 answer(s)
Santiago26, 2010-09-15

In my opinion ImageShak.us RedirectAPI man is suitable for you

deleted-mezhevikin, 2010-09-14

api yandex.fotok will not work for you?

uve, 2010-09-15

Look towards the new Google Storage , they give everyone 100gb for free.

zvic, 2010-09-15


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