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Hello, there was an error while writing the bot?
The bottom line is that I need to write a bot so that he would take orders in PM and send them to the conversation.
That is, you need to use separately longpoll and botlongpoll.
I decided to try through the streams, but it gives such errors, please help
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 870, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "", line 147, in beseda
if pause_beseda == 1:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pause_beseda' referenced before assignment
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\", line 870, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "", line 69, in ls_chat
bd[id] = {'pause': pause,'nick': nick}
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pause' referenced before assignment
import vk_api
from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType
from vk_api.bot_longpoll import VkBotLongPoll, VkBotEventType
from vk_api.utils import get_random_id
from vk_api.keyboard import VkKeyboard, VkKeyboardColor
from threading import *
nick = None
pause = 0
pause_beseda = 0
bd = {}
#Клавиатуры ЛС бота
keyboard1 = VkKeyboard(one_time = True)
keyboard1.add_button('Заказать такси', color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
def key_nick():
keyboard2 = VkKeyboard(one_time = True)
if nick is not None:
keyboard2.add_button(nick, color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
keyboard2.add_button('Отменить заказ', color=VkKeyboardColor.NEGATIVE)
return keyboard2
keyboard3 = VkKeyboard(one_time = True)
keyboard3.add_button('Отменить заказ', color=VkKeyboardColor.NEGATIVE)
#Клавиатуры беседы бота
keyboard4 = VkKeyboard(inline= True)
keyboard4.add_button('Взять заказ',color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
keyboard5 = VkKeyboard(inline= True)
keyboard5.add_button('Отвез 150',color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
keyboard5.add_button('Отвез 300',color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
keyboard5.add_button('Отменить заказ',color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
keyboard5.add_button('Закрыть заказ',color=VkKeyboardColor.POSITIVE)
#Код бота
def write_message(id, message):
if sms == 1:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'user_id': id, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id(), 'keyboard': keyboard1.get_keyboard()})
if sms == 2:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'user_id': id, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id(), 'keyboard': key_nick().get_keyboard()})
if sms == 3:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'user_id': id, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id(), 'keyboard': keyboard3.get_keyboard()})
def write_chat(id, message):
if sms_chat == 1:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'chat_id': id2, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id()})
if sms_chat == 2:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'chat_id': id2, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id(), 'keyboard': key_nick().get_keyboard()})
if sms_chat == 3:
authorize.method('messages.send',{'chat_id': id2, 'message': message, 'random_id': get_random_id(), 'keyboard': keyboard3.get_keyboard()})
authorize = vk_api.VkApi(token = '01dac92eb686dbc93f22fb7a7b403b3b855a302c43c67d8286d206394b6b680f5cac48ae38d83424c105e')
longpoll = VkLongPoll(authorize)
longpoll_chat = VkBotLongPoll(authorize, group_id = 201005383)
def ls_chat():
for event in longpoll.listen():
if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW and event.to_me and event.text:
reseived_message = event.text
id = event.user_id
#Проверка данных отдельного пользователя
if id not in bd.keys():
bd[id] = {'pause': pause,'nick': nick}
pause = ((bd[id])['pause'])
nick = ((bd[id])['nick'])
# Заказ такси
if pause == 0 and reseived_message == ('Заказать такси'):
sms = 2
write_message(id,'Цены по тарифу: 150 по городу, 350 за город.')
write_message(id,'Введите ваш игровой ник или выбирите введенный ранее.')
pause = 1
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
elif pause == 1:
nick = event.text
if nick == ('Отменить заказ'):
sms = 1
nick = None
write_message(id,'Заказ отменен.')
pause = 0
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
sms = 3
write_message(id,'Подробно опишите место откуда вас нужно забрать.')
((bd[id])['nick']) = nick
pause = 2
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
elif pause == 2:
mesto = event.text
if mesto == ('Отменить заказ'):
sms = 1
mesto = ''
write_message(id,'Заказ отменен.')
pause = 0
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
sms = 3
write_message(id,'Введите место, куда вам нужно приехать.')
mesto = event.text
pause = 3
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
elif pause == 3:
kuda = event.text
if kuda == ('Отменить заказ'):
sms = 1
kuda = ''
write_message(id,'Заказ отменен.')
pause = 0
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
sms = 3
write_message(id,'Спасибо, что пользуетесь нашей компанией, ожидайте водителя...')
pause = 4
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
elif pause == 4:
ojidanue = event.text
if ojidanue == ('Отменить заказ'):
sms = 1
ojidanue = ''
pause = 0
write_message(id,'Заказ отменен.')
((bd[id])['pause']) = pause
sms = 3
write_message(id,'Вы уже сделали заказ, ожидайте принятия...')
sms = 1
write_message(id,'Хочешь заказать такси? Напиши "Заказать такси"')
def beseda():
for event_beseda in longpoll_chat.listen():
if event_beseda.type == VkBotEventType.MESSAGE_NEW and event_beseda.from_chat and event_beseda.message.get != '':
reseived_message = event_beseda.message.get('text')
id2 = event_beseda.chat_id
nomer = 3123
number = 'Заказ №: ', str(nomer)
if pause_beseda == 1:
sms = 1
write_chat(id2,'Заказ №')
sms = 4
write_chat(id2,'Напишите "Взять заказ", что бы взять его.')
pause_beseda = 2
elif pause_beseda == 2:
zakaz1 = event_beseda.message.get("text").lower()
if zakaz1 == 'взять заказ' or zakaz1 == '[club201005383|@vezet_province] взять заказ' :
write_chat(id2, 'Если вы попали в ДТП или возникли личные проблемы, отмените заказ, пусть его возьмет другой таксист.')
write_chat(id2, 'После завершения заказа напишите "Отвез (сумма)"')
pause_beseda = 3
pause_beseda == 1
elif pause_beseda == 3:
zakaz2 = event_beseda.message.get('text').lower()
if zakaz2 == 'отменить заказ' or zakaz2 == '@vezet_province отменить заказ':
write_chat(id2, 'Вы отменили заказ.')
ls_chat_on = Thread(target = ls_chat)
beseda_on = Thread(target = beseda)
Answer the question
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If these variables
pause = 0
pause_beseda = 0
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