EvgMul2019-03-23 23:28:04
EvgMul, 2019-03-23 23:28:04

Have I configured the routing correctly?

Hello. It was necessary to configure custom routing for filters on the page.
A filter is a form that passes $_GET parameters according to the Yii2 rules for a model.
Those. when applying the filter, the url looks something like this: index.html?RoutesSearch[id_district]=9&RoutesSearch[id_region]=10&page=4
Required: routes/district/yuzhnyj/region/krym/index.html?page=3
As implemented. First of all redirect to the correct URL. I did it in the controller in the beforeAction() method

public function beforeAction($action)
        if ($action->id == 'index' && stripos(Yii::$app->request->absoluteUrl, 'RoutesSearch')) {
            $redirectUrl = Url::base(true).'/routes';
            $params = Yii::$app->request->get('RoutesSearch');

            if (isset($params['id_district'])) {
                $model = District::findOne($params['id_district']);
                if ($model)
                    $redirectUrl .= '/district/'.$model->URI;
            if (isset($params['id_region'])) {
                $model = Regions::findOne($params['id_region']);
                if ($model)
                    $redirectUrl .= '/region/'.$model->URI;
            if (isset($params['type_id'])) {
                $model = RouteTypeNew::findOne($params['type_id']);
                if ($model)
                    $redirectUrl .= '/type/'.$model->URI;
            if (isset($params['period'])) {
                $model = Month::findOne($params['period']);
                if ($model)
                    $redirectUrl .= '/month/'.$model->URI;

            $redirectUrl .= '/index.html';

            if (!empty(Yii::$app->request->get('page'))) {
                $redirectUrl .= '?page='.Yii::$app->request->get('page');

            header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
            header('Location: '.$redirectUrl);
        return true;

Secondly, you need to let Yii understand which controller and action this route belongs to and generate the correct parameters for the filter model. For this I wrote a class for the url manager:
class MainFiltersRule implements UrlRuleInterface
    public function createUrl($manager, $route, $params)
        return false;

    public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
        $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
        $partsUrl = explode('/' ,$pathInfo);

        if ($partsUrl[0] == 'routes') {
            if (in_array('district', $partsUrl)) {
                $model = District::find()->where(['URI' => $partsUrl[array_search('district', $partsUrl) + 1]])->one();
                $params['RoutesSearch']['id_district'] = $model->id;

            if (in_array('region', $partsUrl)) {
                $model = Regions::find()->where(['URI' => $partsUrl[array_search('region', $partsUrl) + 1]])->one();
                $params['RoutesSearch']['id_region'] = $model->id;

            if (in_array('type', $partsUrl)) {
                $model = RouteTypeNew::find()->where(['URI' => $partsUrl[array_search('type', $partsUrl) + 1]])->one();
                $params['RoutesSearch']['type_id'] = $model->id;

            if (in_array('month', $partsUrl)) {
                $model = Month::find()->where(['URI' => $partsUrl[array_search('month', $partsUrl) + 1]])->one();
                $params['RoutesSearch'] = $model->id;

            return ['routes/index', $params];

        return false;

Actually the question is, is it not completely perverted and is there a more reasonable way, or is it still quite a normal solution?
Thanks in advance to all who respond.

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