travinik2018-07-04 23:16:20
travinik, 2018-07-04 23:16:20

Have a site on bootstrap and have a picture in the header?

which looks normal on laptops, but on non-standard resolutions and at 1920x1080 it does not occupy the entire screen. Site buhanka23.ru/ - and it is necessary that the picture with the logo adaptively occupies the entire screen when the site is opened.
Thanks in advance.

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-07-04

The image is set inside the .intro class as a background. The width of the image is set to 100%. Add a height equal to 100vh. height:100vh and the image will be full height.
+ I advise you to remove the horizontal scroll, it is superfluous on the site (overflow-x: hidden;)

travinik, 2018-07-05

height:100vh solved the problem, thanks. If you check on the site ami.responsivedesign.is on the mobile version, the picture from the header is pressed strongly to the left, can you tell me why?

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