Sergey Gromov2017-01-08 19:02:24
Sergey Gromov, 2017-01-08 19:02:24

Has anyone worked with CSSSR or their quick start template?

Decided to look towards CSSSR, they have 2 important requirements.
1 - Jade(pug)
2 - Stylus
I worked in the studio for a year, I can typeset, but Jade instills fear in the month.
When creating the `npm run make-block hello` block, I have a hello block with hello.jade

mixin hello()

That's great, I read the Jade documentation and I know that this is a mixin, inside which another BEM mixin is called to create a block. But what's next????
I connect this block to the project, I add it in the layout-default.jadeinclude /blocks/hello/hello file, after that the mixin in the project becomes available to me. +hello
That's all, that's where I stopped, I don't know what to do next. Of course, I can add markup in this mixin
mixin hello(name)
    span.hello__title Привет
    img.hello__img(src='путь к изображению')
    .hello_description  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.

which transforms me into
<div class="hello">
  <span class="hello__title">Привет</span>
  <img src="путь к изображению" class="hello__img" />
  <div class="hello_description"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.</div>

But my God, it takes me 10 times more time to create one such block than I just write html
1 - readability is completely lost, yes, yes, you look at this mixin, in order to understand something you just need everything read and understand.
2 - Syntax highlighting is completely missing, God, look at this, how the hell can you read it ..?
3 - I didn't use bemto which will further aggravate the readability and writing time of the block.
4 - I used a static text, but in theory, if this is a template engine, then I should transfer the data to the mixin or separately as variables.
Answer how you can work with such templates, how you can understand their logic, I can’t even imagine what the finished work looks like, and how long it takes to do it, and it seems to me that NOBODY will be able to CSSSR employees will not be able to finalize layouts for their colleagues, just for one reason, to get started, you need to understand all the garbage that they wrote there ...
KAKKKKKKKKKK all the same with such templates?

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3 answer(s)
Moe Green, 2017-01-08

I've been working on the CSSSR quickstart template. and I even have a few layouts made on it. Oleg was absolutely right in saying that you simply have no experience with Jade. In fact, there is nothing complicated.
But later I got acquainted with such a template as TARS and it seemed to me so simple and transparent compared to the template from CSSSR that I happily forgot about the latter. ))
My personal opinion is that the template from CSSSR is somewhat confusing and specific. But there is nothing complicated, if you understand.

Artem Kayun, 2017-01-09

I worked in csssr, only then they didn't have mixins like that. There was only jade and BEM.
Do not be lazy and deal with the whole template, there are usually advanced technologies for assembling and developing the front-end part.
It is tailored for the internal workflow of the studio, they have style guides and internal agreements. All this allows you to almost painlessly replace one specialist with another and reuse the written code.
I am very grateful to this studio for accepting me with absolutely no experience and introducing me to technology. If you manage to get there, then you will definitely increase your professional level. You won’t earn big money, but you won’t be afraid of template engines).

ladonin, 2021-03-17

I work in a small IT company and I got a "legacy" from csssr in the form of two sites on ReactJS. They abandoned csssr services and decided to continue to develop sites on their own.
Well, what can I say about them: I have been working in IT for 10 years, but I have never seen worse code.
On the whole project (there are 2 of them and both are absolutely identical in architecture) there is not a single comment; bugs from the word "everywhere" (seems they didn't test when they took the project); descriptions of methods/functions/components/files of helpers, etc. absent at all; code is duplicated, especially in css (there are no common styles for the same components), common calculation methods are not inherited by components, but are written again in each component; there are no constants, all values ​​are hard-coded to variables at once.
Also, the "raw" kendo library they chose for working with tables, forms and, especially, maps, leaves much to be desired.
Can work in csssr and is fun, especially for beginners, but not fun to work with their so-called "products" afterwards

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