Truf2011-07-05 20:35:31
Amazon Kindle
Truf, 2011-07-05 20:35:31

Has anyone been able to lay hands on the Amazon Kindle 3 KDK?

I applied for kdk.amazon.com , but I'm afraid it will be ignored.

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4 answer(s)
YasonBy, 2011-07-05

Yes, applications are still ignored (applied almost a year ago). Luckily, you don't need Amazon to work out or write for yourself.
Jars with KDK are pulled directly from the device, JavaDoc is available, as well as step-by-step guides ( in Russian , in English ), and various examples of kindlets .

Levsha100, 2011-07-05

mine has been ignored for over half a year

luckyredhot, 2011-08-10

I join the question.
I have been ignored for only a week so far (
There is still hope ...

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