Stanislav2015-08-06 23:53:02
Stanislav, 2015-08-06 23:53:02

Gulp, how to save directories after minifying files?

Tell me how to save directories when minifying files.
For example, there are two directories:


I want to collect all the files in the ./static/ajax/ folder, merge them and move them to the folder with the ./static/build/build.min.js file
And move the files from the ./static/ajax/created/ folder to the ./ folder static/build/created/created.min.js
At the moment, I have merged the files in the ./static/ajax/ folder, but with another folder, I don’t understand what to do
var gulp		= require('gulp')
  , jshint	= require('gulp-jshint')
    , concat    = require('gulp-concat')
  , rename    = require('gulp-rename')
  , uglify    = require('gulp-uglify');

var paths = {
  "js"		: ['./static/ajax/*.js', './static/ajax/created/*.js'],
  "jsIn"		: './static/build', 
  "jsName"	: 'build.js',
  "jsNameMin"	: 'build.min.js'

/*	Листинг файлов
gulp.task('lint', function() {

/*	Конкатенация и минификация файлов
gulp.task('minify', function(){

/*	Действия по умолчанию
gulp.task('default', function(){
  gulp.run('lint', 'minify');

  // Слежка за файлами
  gulp.watch(paths.js, function(event){
    gulp.run('lint', 'minify');

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1 answer(s)
lnked, 2015-08-07

would this bike fit?

var paths = {
    "js": {
        "ajax": {
            "src": "./static/ajax/*.js",
            "build": "build.js",
            "dist": "./static/build"
        "created": {
            "src": "./static/created/*.js",
            "build": "created.js",
            "dist": "./static/build/created"

function doit(dir)
    var item = paths.js[dir];

    /*  Листинг файлов
    gulp.task('lint', function() {

    /*  Конкатенация и минификация файлов
    gulp.task('minify', function(){
            .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))

    gulp.run('lint', 'minify');

gulp.task('make', function(){
    for (var dir in paths.js)
        doit( dir );

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