intTosha2018-06-22 01:12:36
Google Cloud Platform
intTosha, 2018-06-22 01:12:36

google cloud sql. Is this platform as free as it claims to be?

I read the FAQ, with my broken English there were questions. It would be great to get a response from specific users :)
1. Do I understand correctly that Always Free is free to use even after the expiration of the 12-month period, and payment is charged only after exceeding the quota? Quota
2. What is worth knowing before using? Are there any pitfalls?
3. Well, it would just be interesting to know your opinion about the platform and especially about Always Free. Any comments.

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1 answer(s)
asd111, 2018-06-22

To use this feature, you need a paid account with a connected credit card. Those. On a trial account, this feature does not work. To enable it, you need to switch to a paid account so that all excesses can be paid immediately.
In general, this is such a lure and is only suitable for the home page. Or for familiarization.
Clouds are a serious business, don't look for freebies there. It is better to look for those who you like better value for money.

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