Roman Rakzin2015-07-17 15:57:43
Roman Rakzin, 2015-07-17 15:57:43

Golang Error - cannot use Id (type interface {}) as type string in field value: need type assertion?

Good afternoon, I use sessions from here - "github.com/gorilla/sessions"
websocket "code.google.com/p/go.net/websocket"
First I created a session, as it is written on the site.
This option works
- session, _ := store.Get(r, "SessionId") // r- Request
log.Println("Value from session Id=",session.Values["Id"]," and FIO=",session.Values[" FIO"])
I still need to work with this data and I save it...
But this option does not work
var ActiveClients = make(map[int ] ClientConn)
type ClientConn struct {
websocket *websocket.Conn
Socket_Id int
User_Id string
FIO string
Role string
func SockServer(ws *websocket.Conn) {
session, _ := store.Get(r, "SessionId")
Id =session.Values["Id"]
FIO =string(session.Values["FIO"])
Role =session.Values["Role"]
sockCli := ClientConn{ws, Soc_Id,Id,FIO,Role}
ActiveClients[Soc_Id] = sockCli
log.Println("Client connected socket=",Soc_Id,". id- ",Id ," Full Name- ",FIO," Role- ",Role)
cannot use Id (type interface {}) as type string in field value: need type assertion
here sockCli := ClientConn{ws, Soc_Id,Id,FIO, Role}
And for FIO and Role is the same.
Why does it output the string type to the console, but then it swears?

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1 answer(s)
Roman Rakzin, 2015-07-17

Found the answer en.stackoverflow.com/questions/436325
Id , _ := session.Values["Id"].(string)
FIO , _ := session.Values["FIO"].(string)
Role , _ := session.Values["Role"].(string)

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