Oleg Torbasov2013-04-26 08:26:57
Oleg Torbasov, 2013-04-26 08:26:57

Glitch on your computer after a power surge?

I installed an old computer for my mother, who lives in a remote village. And they have power surges in the network. So, after one of them, a strange glitch periodically appears:
At the same time, the computer stops responding to the keyboard and mouse.
As you can see, the Firefox window is full screen. But something extraordinary is going on in it.
Has anyone seen anything similar? What could be the issue here? Check what?
This is hardly a virus: licensed Kaspersky works.
The system is 32-bit Win7.

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2 answer(s)
pcdesign, 2013-04-26

It looks like a problem with the video card.

pashich, 2013-04-26

+1 for the video card. After repairing / replacing it, take care to install a UPS or voltage stabilizer.

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