Arsen Abakarov2016-09-02 13:46:10
Arsen Abakarov, 2016-09-02 13:46:10

Git, problems with deployment?

I have a project on Django + uwsgi + nginx, I attached a git to it, I develop it at home on a laptop, there are two branches, master and dev, respectively, after the tests from the dev, I merge into the placer, then into the cloud, from the cloud to production.
The problem is that there are two files (nginx config and django config) that should be different on localhost and production all the time, but it is desirable to keep the production version in the repository anyway.
How to destroy?

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1 answer(s)
DevMan, 2016-09-02

configs are not needed at all and should not be stored in a repack.
they need to be laid out by hosts during deployment.

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