AlexDzen2016-03-21 17:51:00
AlexDzen, 2016-03-21 17:51:00

Git. How to understand that you have already learned the basics?

Hello! This is my first question, do not judge strictly.
I have been learning Git for a week. I watched several videos, read a couple of paragraphs from the book, found everything that was not clear in Google. Now I use git through GitBash, uploaded my first site on GitHub.
Is this enough to write in my resume: I have basic knowledge of Git?
If not, what do you need to know to be considered entry level?

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7 answer(s)
Alexey Shumkin, 2016-03-22

I'm currently using git via gitbash.

as a piece of advice: keep going (I'm serious!) don't get fooled by GUI stray once
you've mastered Git in the console, you can easily use it through the GUI, but not vice versa
on the topic:
IMHO, as already written "add/commit/push/ pull" - basic knowledge, but
in Git (and everywhere) the main thing is to understand what and why, but how is a matter of ingenuity and documentation...

Andrey, 2016-03-21

when you understand how to work in an environment like git-flow from the console, including manually resolving a merge conflict, then you can say that you have mastered the basics...

Alexander Sharihin, 2016-03-21

When you can merge in a team of 10 developers, when everyone got into one file at once.

Sergey Vortoms, 2016-03-21

I think you can write it down.
Anyway, you can get more experience by working with the development team.
You can procrastinate Git for a month - but you will stall on the spot ... without a normal project.

keslo, 2016-03-21

In general, it depends on the tasks. If you need git to keep versions of your personal local project, then the basic functions will be enough for you, how to initialize a folder, make a commit, send changes via push, get the required version.
Git is a serious tool for different levels of tasks.

Sergey, 2016-03-21
Protko @Fesor

revert commits, how rebase differs from merge, draw peak commits, signature commits. Commit squash.

Anton, 2016-03-22

Typically, companies use Git quite actively. I think the main question is whether you even understand what a version control system is, how git works at the abstraction level.
Well, the basics are usually considered to be making a repository, committing it to a remote server, creating and merging branches, resolving conflicts, and doing pull requests. It will be a huge plus if you specify a program to work with git (usually no one works in the console, there are many wrapper programs for this)

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